Thursday 11 October 2012

Mobile Marketing In Leicester

"Mobile Marketing In Leicester"
If your business is in Leicester or any other city you should be using the power of mobile marketing to increase your presence locally.  The boom in the sale of smartphones worldwide with as many as 1 million phones being activated each day and the number is still rising is having a major influence in marketing.  Google recently carried out a survey and found that 44% of its target audience owns a smartphone.  It is currently estimated that there are over 450 million smartphone users and that by the end of 2012 there will be more smartphones than the human population and within 4 years the number will double.

The reality is that people are moving away from conventional computers to access the internet but now increasing using their smartphone or tablet.  But there is unfortunate a negative aspect to this for the majority of business web site owners.  It appears that more than 80% of business web sites have not been optimized for mobile devices.  Which means if a mobile device lands on an non optimized site it will take for ages to load and when it does load the formatting will be wrong and difficult to read.  

As a business owner you probably spend a large amount of money in branding your business, advertising and developing and maintaining your webs site but why waste all this time and money if mobile users cannot read your web site.  You have to think what message is that conveying to them, that you are slow to respond to new technology, that you don't take them seriously.  Any mobile user who lands on an optimized web site feels that the brand is taking them seriously and cares enough about creating a special version of its website just for them, they will tell their friends.

SMS Text marketing is an extremely affective method of marketing these days with an outstanding open rate of more than 96% of texts opened within 4 minutes.  But additionally people these days are a used to  receiving text messages and don't mind getting marketing texts as long as they control who they are from.

Global BizznessApps  offer an amazing return on investment in that they provide free unlimited text messages to its clients as part of its business apps package.  Business apps were only in most cases affordable by the big companies but that is no longer the case thanks to Global BizznessApps.  They provide their clients with access to an apps self build platform.  Where small and medium size businesses access a content management system and build their own apps.  They have access to over 42 apps which are packed with features.  Additionally they get a free mobile optimized web site.  Full training documentation, video tutorials, webinars and technical support are all provided.  But if the clients don't have the Global BizznessApps will build the apps for a fee that is a fraction of the cost it would normally have cost.  

For more information email: